Monday, December 20, 2010

Changing Perspective - Finding The Truth

I feel like I have much on my mind to say/talk about.   I have been processing many things over the past few days.  I was challenged recently to look at things in life differently.
I have been thinking of Carlos' question, "How Do We Think When We Don’t Know What To Do?"   From what Carlos has taught me, is that I need to ask the right questions...
The question that I have been challenged with the past few days is one of  Perspective.  This could mean "What am I focused on?" " How am I looking at things?" 

When faced with this question,"How do I win the Natural North American Championships against these formidable competitors?", Carlos had to step back and look at everything from a different perspective.  Instead of focusing on his opponents strengths he instead starting looking at their weaknesses. 
His Perspective changed!! 
So this is what I have been working on these past few days.  My perspective has been one of only seeing what was wrong and painful in my life right now and it put me in a state of depression.  How do we make sense of things in life that are hard and painful?  We have to change our perspective.  We have to look at each thing that we perceive as hard and painful, one at a time.  We can not look at it all, all at once, because then we become so overwhelmed that we are put into a state of inaction.  When I can change my perspective I can then find "the Truth of the matter".  In essence, Changing Perspective is Looking for The Truth.  And with the Truth, there really is only ONE perspective.  But now that I can see "The Truth of the matter" I can now reframe my thoughts and not become so overwhelmed by what is around me or my circumstances and can walk in that Truth.(and the truth is, our circumstances are only temporary)  But this is not a given...we have to keep that new perspective in the forefront of our thoughts..and we do this by Renewing our minds daily.  We Renew our minds by what we put in our minds and choosing to overcome the lies by filling our minds with The Truth...our new Perspective...our Affirmations.
The truth is, you can overcome your "opponents" weaknesses by making it your strength.  The opposite of weakness is strength.  The opposite of depression is Joy.
The Truth for me is in my "weakness" I can become strong  and that Joy can become my strength.

Carlos has shown us what changing our perspective can do for not only our physiques, but for our mindset and beliefs.  If I can change my perspective of what to focus on in my training to build up physical strengths, I can also change my perspective of my mindset and become strong in mind and spirit...the Truth is....I CAN Become a Champion!  I AM a Champion!

So today my sister, who is home for Christmas from Albuquerque, came over and we did our first workout together.  It was good!  (mom came, too, but she only watched..and helped keep  track of rep counts.)  We did Muscle program C.  She had been working out at her home but stopped the past week or so during her college final she might be a little bit sore in a day or two!  She will come back on Wednesday for Muscle program A.

She said to me that in the last week or so she had not been wanting to workout but in coming here today working out with me she was "excited" and wanted to work out!  It was for me a point of accountability...and support.  Which is really what I provide I look at it the same way.  When I don't show up at home, it is in a way, not showing up with you all.

P.S> pics will come later.


  1. Good stuff Suzette, I'll be looking forward to reading about your Journey.


  2. Hi Suzette, interesting post. Just wanted to let you know that I would love it if we could meet up. But Tamworth is quite a long way from where I am. Are you going there for country music festival?. Anyway when it's closer to the date we'll see what we can organise.
    Have a great christmas and fitness success for 2011. Best wishes.

  3. Thank you Carlos!
    Bec, I will not be coming for the music festival, however that would be fun. I am coming to visit a fellow Shredder...and hopefully to see Adam as well. the plan is come in August for my birthday.


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