Monday, June 18, 2012

100 Club challenge

It has been a while since I've blogged here. 
Since I last was here, I had finished up a 12 week program with Scott Tousignant and his Metabolic Masterpiece program.  Amazing progam.  I love it!  I was all set to go for the next 12 weeks but was given an opportunity to be a part of another community with some other long time online fitness friends, Dougal and Sarah Macdonald from  Since June 3, 2012 I have been doing their program and sharing my experiences on their private community with others doing their program. 
Here is a progress pic.
 We are doing a 100 Day Club Challenge.  the prize:  a better body!  All that's required is Focus, intensity, Compliance, eXcellence....FiCX!  In the two weeks since starting the challenge I have made some decent progress...mainly in my hips going from 41.5 inches down to 40 inches.  I like that!

A huge milestone for me that is not fitness related is making myself "public" with a venture into photography professionally.  I have had a passion for photography since my high school days, but never had the confidence in myself to pursue it.  I have received many comments recently in regards to my photographic work.  So I decided to just put myself out there.  Here is my facebook page with sampling of some recent images. SF Images Please check it out and "like" my page.  I'd love your support. Let me know if there is something I can shoot for you.  I am also setting up a webpage to sell my images.

Here is an image I took this week.

Stay tuned for updates!


  1. Awesome progress on the FiCX front & I am SOOO proud of you for getting the ball rolling on SF Images!!! You just ROCK!

    1. Thank you so much Griz! You are a huge motivator for me on both fronts!

  2. Can't wait for a hyperlink to your Deviantart page!!!


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