Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unwrap Your Gift

Unwrap your Gift

"Norman Vincent Peale said, “when God wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem.” I can tell you from my own life experience I know this to be true. The issue for many out there is they “see a problem in every opportunity; while winners see an opportunity in every problem.”

This is all I can come up with today.  This came from a blog link that was sent to me by my friend, Elaine. Scott Abel Life Coaching: The Circling Lion 
As we approach Christmas, which is traditionally a time of gift giving and if this is true that God sends you a gift wrapped up in a problem...then I can say I am excited to see what that gift is!
It is like putting iron in a refiners fire.  When you first put that piece of metal in the fire, it doesn't look like actually might be ugly.  But after the refiner, bends and twists the iron while it is hot, he forms it into something beautiful.  But that iron had to be put through a burning fire, which we all know is hot and can be painful when that fire touches us.  The bending and twisting might be painful, too.  But when that "problem" iron is put through the fire, it comes out as a beautiful gift.  So we can be thankful, even in times of great stress or bending or twisting of our lives, knowing that we are being refined into a beautiful creation.
How true even for our physique transformation.  A lot of times we start out as some "blob" of fat or unfit selves.  But we put ourselves through the fire of changing our minds and thoughts about food and eating, which can seem like a bending and twisting of our wills.  And we also put our bodies through that fire of "burning" muscles in order to transform our shape into something beautiful.
Our "problem" of being overweight and unhealthy can be "unwrapped" into a beautiful gift of fitness, confidence, excellence, empowerment, greatness, etc.

Day 10 12-15-10_opt.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I like how you combined the idea with unwrapping the gift of ourselves with that of forging strong bodies. Great words!


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