Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mission 5 Genesis T-71 My December Promise

I found this awesome pic on facebook today. I have printed it up and put it up right in front of me just above my computer so I can see it every day.
my december promise image.jpg

It has been a good two days since my last post.
The biggest thing has been keeping the question, "Are you giving 100%?" forefront in my mind.  Also the thought that if I am not giving this program my 100% commitment, then my word means nothing.  I want to be a person of character and integrity.  And I do that by living my core values and beliefs.
I have decided to allow myself a few "off plan" treats (popcorn and a few pizza breadsticks). And to me, these food items I am not considering as taking me off that 100% commitment.  I have been sticking pretty close to eating every 3-4 hours.  And the past few days my tummy just feels like it is "tighter".

I think I need to change the wording to this poster.
"I keep eating right.
I remember this is my Dream.
I continue to work through the pain.
I keep smiling.
I wake up every morning DETERMINED to go to bed satisfied.
I am not alone.
I drink more water.
I push harder.
I press on!"

As I did my HIIT cardio tonight a lot of self talk was going on.
"Give it 100%!"
"think about how awesome you going to look and feel come Feb. 14."
I have my PRW taped to my elliptical so I can see it as I exercise.  It was "speaking" to me.  "If you really want this, you're gonna have to work for it.  It's just not going to come to you.  I'm not going to just sit by and molly coddle you, I'm going to push you.  If you really want this, you have to believe.  You've done this before and you can do it again!
Don't put your head down!  Look up!  Keep your eyes on "me".  Focus on the why.  Focus on the dream.  the harder you push the closer you get.  If I am really your PRW you will keep me in your heart and you will know I am with you in every moment.  Keep going, you're almost there. "
These were the things I was saying in my mind.
And it worked!

Here are side by side comparison from day 1 to today.
side by side comparison day 13 Dec 4 2011 (386x500).jpg

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