Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mission 5 T-73 Openness

Openness.  willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas).(free Online dictionary)

I have found myself saying that "I am Open ..." a lot lately.  I do believe it started shortly after my divorce was final the end of October.  I remember saying I was open for what was to come the week I was in Jersey with Elaine.
I wanted to soak in every moment I was there, which to me, is to be open to the experience.  Elaine shared some things with me that, if I wasn't open to receive those ideas it could have had a negative effect.  But I remember saying I was open to whatever she had to say.
I believe that "openness" is what allowed me to not react negatively to losing my job only one day upon my return back home.  I remember praying, "Ok, God, I am open to whatever it is you have for me.  I am not afraid.  I trust in You."
The very next day, I got a call from a friend who had no idea I had just lost my job, offering me a possible part time job.  That same day I also had two people contact me "out of the blue" about helping with weight loss/training.
I believe because I was open to what was to come, that things were opened to me.  I do believe "things" don't just come to you unless Someone believes you are ready to receive.
Elaine shared with me some "hard" questions and also a blog post that said "HELLO!!" to me.  When the student is ready(open to learn) the teacher appears.  I am open to what is before me.  I am open to the "hard" questions.  I am open to finding my own answers.
Some of those answers has prompted me to take action.  To be committed to my dream, to be committed to the outcome, to be committed to the process.

My sister has "volunteered" me to be her hair color model on Monday.  She said the only "requirement" is to be open to whatever the instructor wants to do.  I told her I was open for whatever.  I believe the outcome will be awesome, because I am open to it!

I believe if we lived "closed" lives we will not reach our potential, nor will we dream dreams and go after our dreams and goals.  When we open ourselves up to the possibilities, the possibilities come to us.  Mind you, there is action involved once we are presented with the opportunity, idea, dream.
The most important action to take is the first step.  I was reminded of this tonight in an instant message from a gal on facebook I hardly even know.
How does this happen?  I am Open.

As Carlos has reminded us today:
"Because it is commitment not words that keep us on task.
Obviously this is not for everyone.
Discipline feels no obligation to offer an apology for the process that forges bone into steel- so we shouldn’t be looking for it. Nor does it have ears to hear complaints- no one has to do this, anyone can bail out leave at any time.
But if we embrace the process then we will be transformed into something that we never were but always wanted to be."
To me this says, Be open to the process and put action to it by being committed.  Words mean nothing unless we put into action the commitment. I believe this is what Elaine was thinking when she asks the question, "Are you giving it 100%?  If not, why not?"   If I am not giving 100% to the commitment of working this program with all I've got, then my words mean nothing!  Then this mission does not hold it's true meaning.
I am "embracing the process" and am transforming into something I never have been, but always wanted to be.   I am not the same person I was, because I have been OPEN to change and growth.
I am OPEN!

The past few days since I answered those questions I have been committed 100% to the process.  I am having some awesome workouts.  I am eating the way I need to.  I am making right choices that will take me closer to reaching my goal.  Today I feel thinner.  My muscles are feeling good and worked.

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