Monday, October 14, 2013

"Don't be afraid"

It has been quite some time since my last post.  Actually my writing has been quite sporadic over the past couple of years. Many life changes left me with a loss of words.  Many times I would sit down to write and just couldn't find the words that expressed my heart.  I have been at a turning point in my life the past few years.  My life has changed dramatically.  Since starting this journey back in late 2006 I have gone through several periods of great internal growth. In late 2009-early 2010 I grew in ways I never imagined.  Looking back I see it was all in preparation for what was to come in the months and the three years following.  I even had a dear friend say to me, "I just know that everything is going to be perfect ... it has been promised. I have never felt so confident in a brighter future than I do in this moment. Not long to go before you start the greatest growth phase of your short life. What has been before is nothing, compared to what is to come ... and what has been is child's play ... we are just starting the real deal now ... right now ... take hold of it ... don't be afraid"
And she was spot on! 

I've been "itching" to get back into my blogging journey recently.  I hope to capture where I am and the lessons learned along the way over the past few years.  I am in the works of starting up another Muscle Mission.  The Muscle Mission from 2006/2010 ended in a high state.  A new mission had ensued after that only to be cut short due to unforseen life "curveballs".  It is my goal to finish what was started.  Stay tuned.