Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mission 5: T-76 Are you giving it 100%?

"Why aren't you following your plan? OK, two questions. What does this mission mean to you? Are you giving it 100%? If not, why not? I guess that's four questions. You don't have to respond to me. These are some questions I would ask myself."
Thank you,  Elaine, for that! I was thinking about these questions all day...and into my workout this evening.
I know you said I don't have to respond, but I'd like to.  If for anything to explore for myself and think "out loud", if you will.
"Why aren't you following your plan?"   to be honest, I just got lazy.  I had my kids and chose not to workout.  I allowed the day to go on without sticking to my plan.  It wasn't because I didn't have time.  It was a choice.  'It's OK, I'll work out tomorrow.'(but it didn't happen the next day either.)
Affirmation: I follow my plan because I am committed to the results following my plan will achieve for me.

"What does this mission mean to you?"  the warrior mind code comes to mind.
"I no longer accept the mediocre in my life, but accept the challenge of doing my best each moment before me.
I lead and live as an example for others to follow.
I train hard.
I set challenging goals for myself, and hold myself accountable to their achievement.
I accept nothing less of myself for I am worthy of their achievement.
Every day that I breathe I remain committed.
Consistently without fail, I will never quit.
I will never quit."
It means feeling that feeling I had when I did those 5 chinups back in Feb.2010.  Feeling strong.  Feeling powerful beyond measure. Mind, body and soul.
"Are you giving it 100%?"  Well, no, actually, as evidenced by my not following my own plan.  but that changed today.
I DO have control whether or not I give 100% !
Affirmation:  I give each day 100% .  I give 100% to my nutrition and weight training, because when I do reaching my goal is only a matter of time.  I give 100% to my mind and spirit as that will give me the drive and determination to press on towards my goal.

I will ask myself these questions.  I will answer them with Powerful Affirmations.
Is what I am thinking, saying, doing, eating helping me get closer to my goal?
My goal isn't just about my physical body, but about becoming who I am meant to be.  Every choice I make is a reflection of me and my character and commitment.
IMG_1807 (146x400).jpg

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mission 5: Genesis: Enjoy the Journey

As first weeks go, it wasn't what I had planned.  I am still working on my meal plan.  Thursday and Friday workouts were not done.  But I did make some minor changes in stats.
With it being Thanksgiving many thoughts were centered around what I am thankful for.  A recent conversation also introduced what is it that makes us happy.  Those things, in turn, are also things to be thankful for.  Simple things that put a smile on our faces.

Music.  Music is a powerful thing.  Music reminds us of memories from our past.  Music brings meaning to the moments were are in right now...which will be future memories.  Music can affect your emotions.  I listen to music when I workout.

Laughing with friends.  What a treasure this is!  I love it when you laugh so hard your sides start hurting and you can't breathe.  Your face hurts from smiling so much. 

There really are so many more simple things that can make you happy and by sharing them with someone else, you can then make someone else happy.

These are the things we need to think about, especially in those times where you are down.

This is also the way we need to think when it comes to our physique goals.  Those things mentioned above promote good feelings within us.  Think of your dream, your goal.  What good feelings will you feel when you reach your goal.  Will you feel like smiling?  Will you be happy?  Will you be thankful?  Don't wait until you reach your goal to feel those feelings.  Feel them now, as if!  Make each day full of "happy" and "thankful" thoughts and feelings.

Enjoy the Journey!

How will you feel when you reach your goal?  Live it Now!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! 
If you've read any of my posts you'll know that I have had a rough year.  The past year has brought about many changes and trials in my life.  Some very recent.  How easy would it be to be mad at the world, mad at God, just plain mad!  How easy would it be for me to say, "Why me?" 
But instead, I give thanks!  I am thankful for all I have gone through the past year, the past five years. 
Do I wish my life were different and things didn't have to be this way?  yes.  but thank God I am here today and I AM thankful for all that I have gone through.  I am better and stronger having gone through this.  I am so thankful for the people that have come into my life in the past year and even the past five years.  I am so thankful for the life-long friendships I have that have stood by me.  I am thankful for an amazing and supportive family who has each been there for me each in their own special way. 
I am thankful for a healthy body and am able to lift weights and feed and fuel my body. 

I am thankful for what is to come!  Only great things! 

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mission 5: Genesis T- 84

My journey to today has taken many turns and ups and downs.
The past 18 months has seen some tough times in my life. While I was not consistent with my training and there were inconsistencies in my nutritional intake, I have for the most part stayed healthy. During the gall bladder issues I had last year my weight went up 25 lbs from 148 up to 175. This, after reaching, what I felt at the time, the best shape of my life. Over the course of the past 18 months I have gotten my weight back down, but also at the cost of some lean muscle.
So here I am at a major turn in my life. What is before me is practically an open road. I have been challenged to "step out on the water."
One of the steps I have decided to take is to reclaim my physique goals and get back to the shape I was back on Feb. 14, 2010.

This is my vis pic for this mission!

I have taken some measurements and weighed myself. (my scale also has a BIA device to measure bodyfat %. I am not counting on it to be an accurate source of bodyfat % measurement, but as a guide showing progress.)
My stats as of this morning(November 21, 2011):
scale weight: 152.8 lbs
bodyfat %: 29.2%
waist: 33"
hips: 40 3/4"
right thigh: 24"
calf: 15.5"
chest: 34"(with sports top on)

My goal is to cut down the bodyfat by quite a bit. (in the pic above, my bodyfat% was at 15% and that is my first mid-term goal) And to gain back the lean muscle I have lost.
I will be using Scott Tousignant's "Metabolic Masterpiece" program the next 12 weeks.

This is one part of my "Genesis", the physical part.
I have already begun on the mental and spiritual part, but am far from where I want to be. Also in the works are the financial and life goals. I have taken small steps towards those ideas.

Here are today's Day 1 "before" pics:

(Not of super importance, but a New Suit Must be a reward for this mission!)

Friday, November 18, 2011

T-3 days to Mission 5: Genesis

I have decided to start up my 5 year Anniversary shred mission on Monday, November 21, 2011, instead of Tuesday. Still to finish up on February 14, 2012.
I am nervously excited about this Mission. After nearly two years of health and personal issues, I am a little bit nervous about this Shred Mission. I am feeling the pressure of putting myself out there (even though there are not many here).
While I've had overall success at losing weight and keeping it off(even after gall bladder surgery), I have felt like I have not yet come close to my own potential. In February 2009 I did feel like I was in the best shape of my life, but I know there is more in me.
I have grown much over the past 20 months(I can't believe it's been that long already, let alone five years!) spiritually, mentally and emotionally. At 42 years old, I feel like I've finally grown up in ways.
But here I find myself at major turning points in my life. I feel like I have endured some of the hardest times in my life the past year, the greatest growth phase of my short life. I find myself not just at the end of a phase in my life(the end of a 21 year marriage and the end of an 8 year job, within 2 weeks of each other) but at the Beginning of something New and Exciting. For most of my life I feel like I have lived in fear. But, with such big changes happening in my life so close to each other, I am finding myself Unafraid. I feel like I am finally walking in the faith I have so many times shared with you all here. A faith I questioned of myself so many times.
What was the turning point for me in not living in fear?
It happened to be a week in New Jersey. There are so many words to describe what that trip meant to me.
Letting go of the past.
Letting go of guilt.
Completely forgiving...of myself and those I felt wronged me.
Changing my perspective.
Setting new goals.
Dreaming again.
Living the moments.
Loving the moments.
Knowing I am OK.
Being Thankful for each and every moment.
Through all of that, receiving Peace.

Elaine, from, happened to be the vessel through which all of that came.

So my heart races once again at the onset of yet another "mission". Stay tuned for Day 1 of Mission 5: "Genesis"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A New Beginning: A Genesis Week

A New Beginning: a Genesis Week

I have shared this blog title before.  Yet it seems to have taken on a new meaning.
The past five years I have been on a journey.  One would think it was a journey of weight loss, but it was so much more than that!  It was the journey of Suzette.
My "Genesis Week" started five years ago on July 30,  2006.  That was the day I set a goal to lose 30 lbs by Christmas of that same year.  But the decision to commit didn't happen until September 19, 2006 when I took that first "before" picture with at least a 40 inch waist and 50 inch hips.
That day was the beginning of what you now see today.  My body is not where I'd like it to be and neither is my inner man.  But that IS the journey!
What you see today is not the person you may have seen on July 30, 2006.  And such is the journey we all should be taking.  The one of transformation of mind, body, soul.  We should not be stagnant beings.  And we are NOT!  We are either growing or we are dying.  And quite possibly both!  If we are growing, then essentially a part of us is dying.  We have to let the old parts of us that held us back to die.  The Old parts of us have to die off so the New can come in and grow.
Just look at the eagle.  As an eagle goes through a molting of his wings he has to practically die for that to happen.  But he doesn't do this alone!  He has other eagles who have already gone through this molting process to feed him and help keep him alive as he doesn't have strength of his own to get his own food. ( this link as it really tells the story of how I have been feeling)
My journey feels quite like the eagle's molting process.  It feels like my whole life has "died".  The me of yesterday has died.  I have been in a depression and the Eagles in my life have been feeding me, keeping me alive so my new wings can come in and grow so I can begin to fly once again, maybe even for the first time.  To Soar!  To soar high above the circumstances of life.  To Rise Above!
I am stepping out!  I am jumping!  more like being pushed, really! just like the adult eagles do with their young.  I'm either going to fall crashing to the ground or I will spread my wings and fly!
but I WILL fly!
I have been preparing for this day for five years, unbeknownst to me.  but God knew!  He already had it planned out.  People have been speaking into my life and I have been listening.
This past week with Elaine, has been so pivotal for me.  It was all in preparation of what was to come today.  I was able to really get my mind in a right place of peace and genuinely being OK.  To be able to put behind me and allow to die the pain of rejection and other negative beliefs and thoughts.  I've gone from just surviving the moments to being able to Live in the Moments and Love the Moments given to me.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jersey Shore

I have been in Wall, New Jersey since Monday, October 31, 2011 visiting with my friend Elaine Morales from  She has been training for her third figure competition.  So this week has been "peak week" for her.  Elaine has not only transformed her body but has transformed her whole way of thinking.  A once shy, introverted person is now confident and full of positivity.

Here are some pics from my trip to Jersey so far.  Others can be found in my facebook albums.