Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Feeling positive

Feeling DOMS almost everywhere on my body...only body part left is the biceps, triceps and calves...that'll be Thursday's workout. Today was shoulders, my favorite.
I know it's still early , but I'm excited and am feeling much more positive than I did through December.  I have gone through the process of forgiveness and letting go of the past.  Whether that be 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, or even last week!  The past is the past.  I can't keep dwelling on it.  That page has been written and turned.  I don't have to keep rereading it over and over again!  I'm always learning and practicing living in the moment, living for today.  Worrying about it won't change anything!  Only action will.  Either accept it and adjust your perspective or work on changing it.  Some days I might fall back on old thought patterns, but I will always get back up again and keep on doing my best for today. 

Monday, January 2, 2017


You can't move forward in life if you are holding onto your past.  Whether that be past mistakes you perceive to be so, past "failed" relationships, past regrets, etc.  What is it that you are holding onto that is holding you back from living your life to it's fullest potential?  Whatever it is, you need to make peace with.  I believe you do that by offering forgiveness.  Forgiveness of yourself, others, or releasing your belief about something that is untruth.  I have gone through this process before and have found that forgiveness releases a peace within your whole being.  I don't believe it is just "empty" words of "I'm sorry" or "I forgive you."  I believe it is something that must be a genuine, heart felt sentiment. 

As I start this new year of 2017, I believe in my heart that I do need to release some things I've been holding within my heart that is causing me internal pain and anguish.  This has taken some inner searching to dig up some untruths within my beliefs.

There are some very personal thoughts and beliefs I have needed to release.  Guilt. Resentment. Fear of abandonment. feelings of not being "good enough".

Situations and circumstances will come up where you will need to go through this process over and over again.  We are not perfect beings and we will make mistakes and choices.  But the best we can do is the best we can do in that moment.  Your feelings will get hurt by someone you love or admire.  But we need to release those painful thoughts and feelings and beliefs that are untrue.  

We must continue to take steps toward a better self, not just for ourselves but for those we come into contact with.  Our energies are a force around us and everyone is affected that comes in to contact with us.  We release the negative energy within us through forgiveness.  It is then through our thoughts and beliefs and exposing our truths that we can create positive energy.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 "Manifesto"

In a recent conversation of tough love with a dear friend of mine I was basically given a verbal "upper cut".  It prompted a search in what 2017 will mean for me and how I choose to live my life.
 Here is what I came up with in what I would consider a manifesto.

I offer myself and others love and forgiveness. 
I am grateful for how far I have come and all that I have achieved and how every experience this past year has been an integral part of my learning and growth.  A huge new year of continued growth and potential awaits me.
I accept and love where I am in the now as it is providing me with the opportunity for more growth
I choose to re-frame my perception of where I am in life right now and allow the potential of a grand and magnificent life to unfold.
All that I have gone through and experienced the past 10 years has been a learning time and has shown me great wisdom to carry into the next 9-10 years.  There will be challenging times ahead and I know there are no guarantees in life but I know if I pour positive energy, love, and nurturing into all that I do I will experience the beauty of Life itself.
I open my heart to love, compassion, kindness, joy, and service.
I release the need to know all the answers and the feeling that I need to plan out all the exact steps I need to follow to realize my dreams and goals.
I am an amazing soul filled with joyous greatness.  I own my gifts, honor my uniqueness, and follow my calling.  I let go of the need to live up to others expectations.
Every day is filled with new possibilities and infinite choices. I will not hide away and fall into the trap of "not being good enough."  I've done that for far too long.  I am born for greatness.  I believe in Me!  I give myself permission to fly.
I will let myself be inspired this year and to focus on the seed I am planting.
I meet obstacles and delays with patience as I nurture and feed my seed.
I make choices that will allow me to grow into my potential and adjust my vision for the greatness that is within my being.
I am open to making changes in myself and to see the possibilities that are only limited by my imagination.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
It's 12:25 A.M. and I've sat down and printed out my workout schedule for January 2017! (the first four weeks)  I'm not waiting until Monday!  I am going to do my first workout today...after I take a nap first. lol.
I'm not telling you what I'm going to do.  I'm just going to do it!  I don't know what's going to happen.  I'm just going to do the best I can. 
My PRW...powerful reason why...

'You will never understand yourself, your missions, dreams, passions and convictions until you are willing to stand alone. It is then you will see all that you are meant to be has always been right in front of you. It is the web of your life, that you build, so it becomes a place for others to stand with you.' — Michele Goren

I am in that place...willing to stand alone.  That's not to say that I don't have people in my corner cheering me on, but it is time I silence the depressing spirit that has been hanging over me.  This won't be without challenges and I will deal with them as they come.  I will forgive myself when I am not perfect. I will take one day at a time.  I will do my best in that day and in that moment. 
This isn't about having a certain body or look.  It's about honoring myself and my internal peace.  
I can not rely on anyone else to "help" me or to even walk this path with me.  I must do it.  I am strong enough.  
I will warrior on with courage and determination!!!