Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

I continue on with this theme!

Elaine has inspired me to "Love Life"! 
Even with challenges that life presents us, we can still Love Life!  Live in those special moments and cherish them.
Today I "forced" my four kids to come outside and take a walk with me down our long driveway! It was too beautiful today not to! They resisted at first, but I could tell they still enjoyed the time.  I am sure they were smiling!  I know I was!
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Let Go!  Today, I truly feel I have finally come to a place of letting go of the "crap" I've been holding onto these past months(even years).  I've finally let go of the negative "weight" I've been carrying.  I feel lighter.

Breathe Deeply!  Now it's time to take a deep breath and step into a New Beginning!  I am ready!  I am excited!  It's time to set and reach some new goals.  Reach for Big Dreams!

Me and my baby!  He turns 7 on the 30th!
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Friday, June 24, 2011

The Adventures of...

The Adventures of....

Aren't all of our lives full of adventure? There is no straight line in life, is there? We have ideas of what our life "should" look like, a nice, flat, smooth road. But we know that is not realistic.
What IS real is that there are forks in the road that we have to choose between.
There are sometimes speed bumps we must cross.
There are little 'bunny hills' we must traverse.
And then, there are some mountains we must climb. And what more adventure is there than in mountain climbing?
Those speed bumps and bunny hills really are just preparation for the mountain.
My life has been one adventure after another. Each it's own different kind of speed bump, bunny hill and mountain. (I've often joked my life could be a real life soap opera!) But each adventure has built up to bigger and 'better' mountains to climb. Gaining Strength and confidence in each one.
Thank God for the "safety ropes" in family and dear friends who are there to help pull you up when you lose your step and help you guide your way by guiding your next step because they have already traversed the way or can see from a different perspective. And it's those same people who will celebrate with you when you reach the summit!

the Story isn't in the "goal", the story is in the climb!

Strength is not at the summit, but is in the climbing!

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

I think this will be my theme for the remainder of this month of June.
It needs to be.  A huge transition will be taking place in my situation the first of July.
I will have to consciously look and be aware of what's good in my life and not focus on what is not good.
I will have to face the true reality of letting go of something that has been in my life for the past 23 years.
And I will have to Breathe Deeply to get through these days.

This transition could pose an opportunity to fall back into negative emotional patterns of poor food choices and not doing my I have let myself do this in the past.
So, The Summer Extravaganza couldn't come at a better time to help  me with that focus.  The power of accountability.  The power of positive support and encouragement.  But Ultimately I will choose!  I will make the choice!

Got the workout done tonight!  With some help from some powerful visualization from the Awesome Elaine!
"I want to work my body tomorrow.  I want to push beyond.  I want to gasp for breath, see stars behind my eyelids, feel the burn, be wiping snot and sweat onto my t-shirt.  I want to turn red in the face.  I want my hair to look like a rat's nest.  I want people to think I peed my pants from the sweat circles around my crotch.  I want to feel dizzy, woozy and wobble-legged when I walk out of the gym tomorrow.  I want to get into my car, rest my head on the steering wheel and cry tears of relief and joy.  I want all those natural chemicals to rush from my head through my body.  I want to feel like I've worked.  Like I gave my all and have nothing left to give.  Like I'm alive.

I want it...I'm going after it. "  ~Elaine Morales

Tomorrow(Friday) I will be having the Novasure procedure done at 10:30 be thinking of me.  I will be under anesthesia, but the procedure will only take about 15 minutes.  This procedure will cut back drastically my monthly cycle!  This is my "Love Life" moment for the next day.  I can't wait to experience the results of this procedure!

Be Thankful in All things

Something I wrote on June 23, 2011.

Every day is a step forward!
Today was HIIT Cardio.  was sweating it up!
Lots of thinking and processing going on.
Practicing "Loving Life, Letting Go and Breathing Deeply"
Being Thankful is my "loving life" action today.
Being Thankful is also a way of "letting go".  by being thankful it allows us to see the good even in the midst of the bad and our focus is then taken off the bad and onto the good.  Being thankful for what is to come is also an expression of faith.
As I breathe deeply I can envision breathing in the good and letting go of the bad.
Some things I am thankful for:
Dad!  My dad has been a lifeline for me in so many ways!  and never expecting anything in return.
We had a special one on one dinner on Father's Day.  What a blessing to be able to do that together.
Mom!  My mother has been one of my best friends.  I can tell her most anything.  She doesn't always know what to say in response, but always is there to listen.  I treasure our friendship.
My Kids!  I am thankful that so far, my kids have adjusted well with the upcoming changes in our household.
My current Challenge! Yes, I am thankful for this challenge.  I am learning a lot about myself.   I am becoming stronger as a  person.  My faith is growing; my Faith in God, Faith in myself, faith in my destiny.
I am thankful that my challenge is not as difficult as it could be.  We are choosing to make it as "peaceable" as possible.
Elaine! Loving Elaine's blogs!  Elaine, I am so thankful for you!  I am thankful for your Champion spirit, drive, commitment and determination.  I am thankful for your enthusiasm and positive outlook.  I am thankful you had a dream and made the decision to go for it and give it all you got!  I am thankful for your constant encouragement!  I am thankful for your friendship.
Carlos!  I am so thankful for you!  Your continued patience and willingness to teach.  Teaching in mind, body, and spirit.  I am honored to be one of your students.

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply: Putting it into practice

I'm a little behind in my blogging.  Here is something I wrote last week"
So today I was able to put into practice what I was sharing in my last post.
Loving Life = sat down at the kitchen table for lunch with my four kids today.  To some this might seem normal...but has not been in our house.  It is usually everyone fending for themselves and eating in front of the computer or TV.
It was good!  The kids didn't seem to mind!  We had "homemade" pizza.
I am so thankful for this moment with my kids.  We will incorporate this more in our routine.
Letting Go = a "minor" confrontation ...which usually leaves me very upset and mad for hours.  I turned that around and was very conscious of my attitude and am deciding to forgive in this moment.  I do not want to hold on to any resentments or angry feelings that will only serve to hurt me; mind, body, soul.
Breathe Deeply = In that moment of deciding to forgive, I also consciously took some time to do some deep breathing...because we know that stressful situations cause us to hold our breath.  I needed those deep cleansing breathes to rid myself of those angry feelings.

Loving Life, Letting Go, Breathing Deeply!

I am unstoppable.

to me, this is the essence of Transformation...and I'm doing some heavy "lifting" right now.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

I was tired today, but got the workout done!!  I felt good.
Mindset strategies are improving.  I am really focusing on "loving my life" and not living in the helplessness I feel with certain situations that only cause me depression.  I have also been working on forgiveness of others and of self...because it is not until I can truly forgive that I can live at peace within myself.  And when I am at peace, things just flow...even though it might not be how I would like it..and I can "love life" when I am at peace.  It is in the "letting go" and being thankful for not just where I am at but also for what is to come!!

Something I want to start doing is practicing some deep breathing!  I was reading today how many heart patients are shallow breathers and that when we are stressed our bodies go into a "flight or fight" mode.  basically we stop our breathing in order to prepare our bodies to run or fight. By breathing deeply we get more oxygen into our lungs and therefore into our bodies and organs.  We need that oxygen for our organs to function at full capacity.  And when I am stressed, I DO catch myself holding my breath!  I actually have noticed this for a while now.  I liken it to a feeling of "drowning" in a stressful situation.  No wonder my gall bladder stopped functioning! (you think?)  Stress...holding my breath...lack of oxygen in my body....body breaking down.  Research I had done last year said that a low functioning gall bladder is most likely caused from long term stress. hmmm.
So don't hold your breath!!
Keep breathing!
Deep Cleansing Breaths!

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Learning How to Think" "What do you Believe about this?" action

So this week I have been experiencing more lessons in thinking.
The lesson from this blog post, Turning Overwhelming into Overcoming I got to put into practice yesterday. A friend had posted in a blog saying, "I love my life." My initial reaction was to question that in my own life. "How can I say, 'I love my life' when I am going through a very tough challenge in my life right now that is not pleasant?
My mentor, Carlos DeJesus, asks me, "What do you believe about this?"
I've been asked this question many times over the past year (plus). It always seemed to take me "forever" to come up with what I believe. But this time, I think I am finally getting it!
The lesson of overcoming overwhelm was to think about one thing at a think about each thing individually. to not combine thoughts together that don't need to be combined.
So this is what I did with this conversation. I realized that I was adding the two together ('loving life' and going through unpleasant challenge).
I guess I was "combining" the two ideas together..that of loving life and the challenge. Of course this challenge is not something to love..but I can still love my life despite going through this.
so I guess my belief was that I could not love life going through this challenge because this challenge is not how could I "love" it? But, by separating the two...even though this challenge is not pleasant...I can still love my life...
Because I AM growing.
because I AM getting stronger(in mind and spirit)...because I can still become who God wants me to be. and do what He wants me to do.

So the next time you are facing a difficult challenge, ask yourself, "What do I believe about this?" It could be the key to "unlocking" the truth. Once you can identify your beliefs you can then go about finding the truth of who you are,

In summary, I believed I could not love my life and go through this tough challenge.
but the truth is...I CAN love my life in spite of this difficult challenge!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

“What does this experience make possible?

Someone on facebook shared this article asking this question.
“What does this experience make possible?
The author, Michael Hyatt says this:  "The bottom line is this: you can’t always choose what happens to you. Accidents and tragedies happen. But you can choose how you respond to those situations. One of the best ways to begin is to ask yourself the right question."

So of course this makes me think of my own life situation and I ponder this question.  I will journal my thoughts and see what I can come up with.  I do know that all things work out together for good and good will come from all situations.  We just have to see the good in it.  I feel like I have been focusing so much on the bad stuff in recent months that it did get me to the point of overwhelm.  It's time to turn my thinking around.  It's time to think about how good the future is and even the present!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Turning Overwhelming into Overcoming

Indeed I was feeling quite overwhelmed by different situations in my life recently and by compounding them together made it overwhelming hence the way I was feeling.
But I was reminded by my mentor yesterday that I need to not compound these different things as it only leads to feelings of overwhelm..and that it was.
Look at the things that are happening in your life one at a time.
And deal with them separately- and one at a time
If not they will seem to multiply.

When I said this,
"Right now all I want to do is crawl into bed and just sleep the rest of the day away so I don't have to think about anything..I want to withdraw. I want to retreat. "
This is what happens when we get overwhelmed with issues that we either add or multiply together- this compromises our problem solving skills.
Deal with one thing at a time- do not allow them to build up- that is when we get overwhelmed.

Today I am focusing on the good that can and will come from each of these different circumstances, at a time. By doing that I can eliminate the negative feelings associated with these "events". By thinking of them separately and one at a time it will eliminate the feeling of overwhelm and I can actually become an Overcomer!
I will get back into my training program and will get the food issues under control. Besides my mindset, those are the two things I can control.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gut Honest

Gut honest here!  I am really having a hard time today.
I had to let one of my long term employees go yesterday.  She had been working with me for nearly 7 years.  When you work with someone this long it is kind of hard not to become friends.  This on top of what is already going on in my personal life.  Right now all I want to do is crawl into bed and just sleep the rest of the day away so I don't have to think about anything.  I want to withdraw.  I want to retreat.
My world is turned upside down and I am being rocked.

I've only trained one day this week.  My eating hasn't been too horrible, but not great either.
All choices I am making.

I did unearth a limiting belief about myself recently.  And I am working through it.  The personal issues I am going through right now only enhance the limiting belief.
The past 18 months I have been going through a transformation of a different kind.  I feel like I am learning who Suzette is...who she is meant to be.  I am learning I am not who I grew up believing I was.  I don't have to hold onto limiting beliefs about myself.  I can identify them and I can dispel them with the truth of who I am meant to be, who I already am on the inside.
I am good enough.
I am capable of success.
I am strong.