So, we've been talking a lot about New Year's Resolutions, our One Word for the year, our goals for the year, etc.
Something I learned many years ago was that the "what" your goal is isn't as important as your "WHY". We all want to change, we want to lose weight, we want to get healthy, we want to fit into our clothes(or smaller clothes). But, if your reason why isn't powerful enough you won't do what is necessary to reach those goals, especially when life gets a little bit tough or challenging.
My mantra for 2023 is, "Just Show Up!" I chose this because if I "just show up" for myself every day that something will get done. If I "just show up" in the kitchen I can choose to make choices fit for my goals. I can choose to "just show up" in the gym and do something, even if it's not my best day or just a quick 15 minutes. I can choose to "just show up" with a positive thought or belief about myself that will move me forward.
Just showing up for myself is a daily choice to be my best me just for today.
I am challenging myself to "just show up" this year!
So, my "one word" for the year is 'Consistency'! If I Consistently just show up every day, then I know it will be an amazing year. I want to look back on this year and say I didn't slack off or just let things go, or not show up for myself.
I Consistently Showed Up!
This leads me to the "Powerful Reason Why".
If you don't have a PRW(powerful reason why), then more than likely you will not "show up" for yourself or your goals. When times get challenging, when you're feeling lazy or tired, or even short on time, you won't "show up" for yourself.
You need to attach an emotion to your PRW, especially a positive one! How are you going to feel when you reach your goal? How are you going to feel knowing you followed through on forming positive habits? How are going to feel knowing you "just showed up" for yourself every single day!
Day 1: Muscle & Strength, upper body.
#justshowup #muscleandstrength #consistency #fitover50 #powerfulreasonwhy #prw #confidence #takeyourtruvy
#believeinyourselfagain #BeUnstoppable