One thing I am finally glad about is that I am focused on my health and staying on my program and eating good clean foods. I am not overeating and I am conscious about what I am eating.
This past year has not been good as far as certain things go, yet I am getting stronger through it all...although sometimes it doesn't appear that way. What has been my focus through out this past year? Only I can answer that honestly. I can admit that it hasn't been all good. Actually, many times all I could see was all the bad that was happening and that was a time of deep depression. It has been, at times, a struggle to fight out of this depression. I am not afraid to admit that I still am working on this. Many times I have just not wanted to even post. But as I am getting more focus even on my physique goals that it does give me one more victory each day to celebrate that I have made progress in one area of my life. I am one step closer to the Greatness God has planned for me.
But when you have many things that can pull you in so many directions, which one do you focus on? You can't possibly focus on all of them at once, it's impossible.
Focus: the concentration of attention or energy on something.
You can only focus on one thing at a time. So we have to choose what will be a valid focus for any given time frame.
I think we tend to focus on things that we are emotional drawn to or stir us emotionally. Isn't that why so many fitness professionals suggest our reasons why for a physique transformation have an emotional trigger or we won't follow through with our physique goals? And isn't that why
we tend to be "emotional eaters?" Our emotions seem to direct where our focus is. So how do we decide which thing to focus on at any given time? We tend to focus on what we believe is the most important. But there are many hours in a day, so we can potentially focus on many different things in one day...just not all at the same time.
So today, for about an hour, I focused on my cardio, doing HIIT and abs. I felt the burn..all around. I think the Glute DOMS is starting to fade...after three days! Today I am "Feeling" least in the tummy...still waiting for the butt and hips to feel thinner!
So this week I am going to focus on my focus! I must focus on those things that will move me forward with my goals and in life issues. I will focus on what I CAN do and not on what I have no control over. I can focus on my thought life. I can focus on my spiritual life. I can focus on my dreams and goals. Each one having its own time of focus.
As a man thinks, so is he.
Because I have The Power within me to do more than I could ever ask or imagine. If I ask for Focus, I can have focus because of that Power within me that gives me strength to do that which I set out to do each day.
Every day my daily actions take me where I want to go.
I am destined for Greatness.
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