Wednesday, July 6, 2011

U.S.of A. Day 5: Affirmations

I want to share with you my affirmations I have come up with for My Unstoppable Summer of Awesomeness.  Maybe it will help some of you.  I know it helps me to see what other people come up with.

Suzette's Unstoppable Summer of Awesomeness Affirmations

1. I am gaining 8 lbs or more Lean Muscle as I drop the same in body fat.
2. I will do this in 8 weeks by August 31
3. My diet is perfect for building muscle.
4. Every day I eat good quality protein and veggies.
5. I eat just enough to feed my muscles for growth and strength.
6. I choose peace within my personal relationships and recognize those things I have no control over.
7. I workout with intensity and push myself to work harder with each day.
8. I am better in mind, body and soul now than I was at the end of my first muscle mission.
9. I am stronger with more lean muscle and less body fat.
10. I am tighter.  I am leaner.
11. I think like a Champion.
12. I do daily what ordinary people only do once in a while.
13. I maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life.
14. I only focus on those thoughts and actions that will propel me towards my goal of adding 8 lbs. lean muscle and losing 8 lbs. body fat.
15. I am in the best shape of my life; mind, body, soul.
16. I love the way I feel inside and out as I reach my goal.
17. I feel empowered to help others because I have done it.

I have printed this out and check each one off every day. several times a day.
I will these outloud to myself with conviction and emotion.
these affirmations are not just about my physique goals but also personal and life goals of having "healthy" relationships and "healthy" mindset overall.

Today was another day at my brother's pool with my kids!  such fun..and more sun!  Another perfect day!  Loving life!!  playing with my kids and even my mom played with us! (if you'd like, stop by my facebook page for some pics from yesterday and today with my kids poolside! some fun pics in there of yours truly! LOL don't want to miss those! LOL)

Got in a great Muscle workout!  Did the whole thing through as yesterday I only made it through the first movement!
Eats must get better.  not terrible but I need to get my food plan together for muscle growth to take place!  I really don't know where I ended up today with calories but I am sure I am under...
It will happen!  Muscle growth will not take place if I don't take in what I need.

today's pic, again poolside!  I NEED a tan!!! lol.

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LOL!!!  My mom and I "posing" and my 12 year old doing his thing! it!  I think my mom is having fun!!  but she needs to work on those biceps!  I told her they are going the wrong way! LOL.

I AM Unstoppable!!


  1. Love it, Suzette!! Your attitude is amazing! I have no doubts you will reach every one of your goals, and do it with a smile on your face. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Melinda! thanks for stopping by!
    I am on fire! I've cleared the cobwebs!! I aim to do just what you said, "New goals...New attitude...Time to start making life count."
    I'm tired of being and living in a depressed state! It's time to start living and loving life!! Join me!!


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