Tuesday, July 26, 2011

U.S.of A. Day 25: Getting "Unstuck"

"Whether we realize it or not, we are speaking into each others' lives. what a powerful thought" ~Me
And maybe by "chance" I may just be sharing a very similar experience with someone else.  What if what I am going through or have gone through in my life is very similar to what you may have or are going through?  What if I never shared these very personal experiences and thoughts with you? I think people need to see not just that I am a changed person or now have a positive attitude, but see "HOW" I did it!  We all go through different processes to resolve our unfinished business or even how long it takes.  We travel our journeys at the speed of "you".  I've felt like I was a slow learner, but when we look at those that have the resources made available to them and they don't even take that step...those are the "slow" ones!  So if you are here and are taking even baby steps, you are doing more than many many other people!
I see "stuck" people all around me in my daily life.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and I see a "stuck" person.  But what I am learning from Carlos is that I DON'T have to be a "stuck" person.  And so I share my very personal life experiences in hopes that maybe one person will identify with my story and it will help them to get "unstuck" as I share how I am getting "unstuck" myself!

I've had some "stuck" moments this past week.  I haven't worked out all week last week.  But, you know what?  That's ok!!! I do have a massive goal of gaining 8 lbs of LBM, and I WILL get there!!!  That goal doesn't change!  What does change is ME!!!  I AM changing!  I am growing!  I do not have to get down on myself because I have not moved forward wholly with this goal, YET!
Am I still living an Unstoppable Summer of Awesomeness?  YES!! 8 lbs of LBM is nothing compared to how I am growing personally, spiritually, mentally, emotionally.

"Why Delay Amazing?" isn't just about fat loss (muscle gain, or whatever your physical goal)..It's about BEing Amazing...from the Inside out!  The physical is just an outward result of Inner Amazing-ness!

I AM Unstoppable!  no matter what "life" says!
As Carlos tells me, "We can make our own reality!"

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