Friday, December 10, 2010

Just Believe for Today

Just Believe for Today

By Suzette
I am finally in a groove.  One Day At A Time.  Today was another victory.  I celebrate today.  It hasn't been perfect as far as life is concerned but I did the daily actions that I need to do to take my body where I want it to go.  I must say that I am experiencing some "nice" DOMS!  It's not horrible, but enough to feel.  
Today was cardio day.  I did the P90x cardio.  My fitness level has obviously declined, but I am moving in the right direction!  I will progress forward!
Every day I have to believe that TODAY I can and will make the right choices.  Today I have to believe I am moving forward. Today I have to believe that I am destined for Greatness.  Today I have to believe that I have the Power within me to do more than I could ever ask or imagine.  I have to believe that today my daily actins are taking me where I want to go.

Day 4 12-9-10_opt.jpg
Day 4 December 9, 2010


  1. woowhooo! great job! my first run in 2 weeks today!One day at a time!

  2. Ruthie! thanks for stopping by! woo hoo on your first run!


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