Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 "Manifesto"

In a recent conversation of tough love with a dear friend of mine I was basically given a verbal "upper cut".  It prompted a search in what 2017 will mean for me and how I choose to live my life.
 Here is what I came up with in what I would consider a manifesto.

I offer myself and others love and forgiveness. 
I am grateful for how far I have come and all that I have achieved and how every experience this past year has been an integral part of my learning and growth.  A huge new year of continued growth and potential awaits me.
I accept and love where I am in the now as it is providing me with the opportunity for more growth
I choose to re-frame my perception of where I am in life right now and allow the potential of a grand and magnificent life to unfold.
All that I have gone through and experienced the past 10 years has been a learning time and has shown me great wisdom to carry into the next 9-10 years.  There will be challenging times ahead and I know there are no guarantees in life but I know if I pour positive energy, love, and nurturing into all that I do I will experience the beauty of Life itself.
I open my heart to love, compassion, kindness, joy, and service.
I release the need to know all the answers and the feeling that I need to plan out all the exact steps I need to follow to realize my dreams and goals.
I am an amazing soul filled with joyous greatness.  I own my gifts, honor my uniqueness, and follow my calling.  I let go of the need to live up to others expectations.
Every day is filled with new possibilities and infinite choices. I will not hide away and fall into the trap of "not being good enough."  I've done that for far too long.  I am born for greatness.  I believe in Me!  I give myself permission to fly.
I will let myself be inspired this year and to focus on the seed I am planting.
I meet obstacles and delays with patience as I nurture and feed my seed.
I make choices that will allow me to grow into my potential and adjust my vision for the greatness that is within my being.
I am open to making changes in myself and to see the possibilities that are only limited by my imagination.

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