Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
It's 12:25 A.M. and I've sat down and printed out my workout schedule for January 2017! (the first four weeks)  I'm not waiting until Monday!  I am going to do my first workout today...after I take a nap first. lol.
I'm not telling you what I'm going to do.  I'm just going to do it!  I don't know what's going to happen.  I'm just going to do the best I can. 
My PRW...powerful reason why...

'You will never understand yourself, your missions, dreams, passions and convictions until you are willing to stand alone. It is then you will see all that you are meant to be has always been right in front of you. It is the web of your life, that you build, so it becomes a place for others to stand with you.' — Michele Goren

I am in that place...willing to stand alone.  That's not to say that I don't have people in my corner cheering me on, but it is time I silence the depressing spirit that has been hanging over me.  This won't be without challenges and I will deal with them as they come.  I will forgive myself when I am not perfect. I will take one day at a time.  I will do my best in that day and in that moment. 
This isn't about having a certain body or look.  It's about honoring myself and my internal peace.  
I can not rely on anyone else to "help" me or to even walk this path with me.  I must do it.  I am strong enough.  
I will warrior on with courage and determination!!!

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