Monday, November 28, 2011

Mission 5: Genesis: Enjoy the Journey

As first weeks go, it wasn't what I had planned.  I am still working on my meal plan.  Thursday and Friday workouts were not done.  But I did make some minor changes in stats.
With it being Thanksgiving many thoughts were centered around what I am thankful for.  A recent conversation also introduced what is it that makes us happy.  Those things, in turn, are also things to be thankful for.  Simple things that put a smile on our faces.

Music.  Music is a powerful thing.  Music reminds us of memories from our past.  Music brings meaning to the moments were are in right now...which will be future memories.  Music can affect your emotions.  I listen to music when I workout.

Laughing with friends.  What a treasure this is!  I love it when you laugh so hard your sides start hurting and you can't breathe.  Your face hurts from smiling so much. 

There really are so many more simple things that can make you happy and by sharing them with someone else, you can then make someone else happy.

These are the things we need to think about, especially in those times where you are down.

This is also the way we need to think when it comes to our physique goals.  Those things mentioned above promote good feelings within us.  Think of your dream, your goal.  What good feelings will you feel when you reach your goal.  Will you feel like smiling?  Will you be happy?  Will you be thankful?  Don't wait until you reach your goal to feel those feelings.  Feel them now, as if!  Make each day full of "happy" and "thankful" thoughts and feelings.

Enjoy the Journey!

How will you feel when you reach your goal?  Live it Now!

1 comment:

  1. Losing weight will give you good shape. Good shape will give you a bit of good mood each time you look in the mirror. In my case it's a perfect motivation for attaining my further goals in life. What helps me to keep good shape is fitness and right nutrition (no starving!). To support my body with additional nutrients I am taking Military Grade Nutritional supplements, which make me energized and toned. They are perfect for my active lifestyle.


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