Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mission 5: T-76 Are you giving it 100%?

"Why aren't you following your plan? OK, two questions. What does this mission mean to you? Are you giving it 100%? If not, why not? I guess that's four questions. You don't have to respond to me. These are some questions I would ask myself."
Thank you,  Elaine, for that! I was thinking about these questions all day...and into my workout this evening.
I know you said I don't have to respond, but I'd like to.  If for anything to explore for myself and think "out loud", if you will.
"Why aren't you following your plan?"   to be honest, I just got lazy.  I had my kids and chose not to workout.  I allowed the day to go on without sticking to my plan.  It wasn't because I didn't have time.  It was a choice.  'It's OK, I'll work out tomorrow.'(but it didn't happen the next day either.)
Affirmation: I follow my plan because I am committed to the results following my plan will achieve for me.

"What does this mission mean to you?"  the warrior mind code comes to mind.
"I no longer accept the mediocre in my life, but accept the challenge of doing my best each moment before me.
I lead and live as an example for others to follow.
I train hard.
I set challenging goals for myself, and hold myself accountable to their achievement.
I accept nothing less of myself for I am worthy of their achievement.
Every day that I breathe I remain committed.
Consistently without fail, I will never quit.
I will never quit."
It means feeling that feeling I had when I did those 5 chinups back in Feb.2010.  Feeling strong.  Feeling powerful beyond measure. Mind, body and soul.
"Are you giving it 100%?"  Well, no, actually, as evidenced by my not following my own plan.  but that changed today.
I DO have control whether or not I give 100% !
Affirmation:  I give each day 100% .  I give 100% to my nutrition and weight training, because when I do reaching my goal is only a matter of time.  I give 100% to my mind and spirit as that will give me the drive and determination to press on towards my goal.

I will ask myself these questions.  I will answer them with Powerful Affirmations.
Is what I am thinking, saying, doing, eating helping me get closer to my goal?
My goal isn't just about my physical body, but about becoming who I am meant to be.  Every choice I make is a reflection of me and my character and commitment.
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