Friday, June 17, 2011

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

I was tired today, but got the workout done!!  I felt good.
Mindset strategies are improving.  I am really focusing on "loving my life" and not living in the helplessness I feel with certain situations that only cause me depression.  I have also been working on forgiveness of others and of self...because it is not until I can truly forgive that I can live at peace within myself.  And when I am at peace, things just flow...even though it might not be how I would like it..and I can "love life" when I am at peace.  It is in the "letting go" and being thankful for not just where I am at but also for what is to come!!

Something I want to start doing is practicing some deep breathing!  I was reading today how many heart patients are shallow breathers and that when we are stressed our bodies go into a "flight or fight" mode.  basically we stop our breathing in order to prepare our bodies to run or fight. By breathing deeply we get more oxygen into our lungs and therefore into our bodies and organs.  We need that oxygen for our organs to function at full capacity.  And when I am stressed, I DO catch myself holding my breath!  I actually have noticed this for a while now.  I liken it to a feeling of "drowning" in a stressful situation.  No wonder my gall bladder stopped functioning! (you think?)  Stress...holding my breath...lack of oxygen in my body....body breaking down.  Research I had done last year said that a low functioning gall bladder is most likely caused from long term stress. hmmm.
So don't hold your breath!!
Keep breathing!
Deep Cleansing Breaths!

Love Life, Let Go, Breathe Deeply!

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