Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-185: Out of the mouth of Babes

Today's Eats:  Good whole clean foods.

Today's Workout:  HIIT with Abs...and a little bit of sledding hill climbs

Today's Attitude:  I feel amazing.  Determined. Inspired. Unstoppable.

Today's Gratitude:  As I mentioned yesterday, part of quality community is a "coach" who believes in you!  and helps you to believe in yourself!  It is a coach who helps you to ask the right questions.  Who teaches you how to think, Who cares about you and wants you to be the best you can possibly be!  It is a coach who gives and doesn't expect anything in return, but for you to be the Champion you are born to be!
Today I want to say, Carlos DeJesus, I am so grateful for you!  Thank you for your gentle and caring spirit.  Thank you for being available to coach me and to encourage me to be the "Warrior Lady" I was created to be.  Thank you for your continued guidance and wisdom.  I will never tire of thanking you!

Today's Thoughts: "Out of the mouth of babes".
Today after the kids got home from school, my six year old, Daniel, and I went outside to get some sledding in.  We haven't had too much snow so we have not been able to sled as much so far this year.  Well, my Daniel likes me to pull him up the hill while he sits on the sled.  As he is getting bigger and heavier it is becoming harder to pull him up the steep hill.  So he asks me to pull him up.   My immediate response was, "I can't do that, you are too heavy."  He replies with, "Yes, you can mommy, just do your best."  How can I refuse to at least give my best effort?!  So up we go!  As I start up the hill, he says this repeatedly, "Don't Stop!  Never Give Up!" as I climb the hill.  We get to the top and he's like, "I told you, you could do it!"  So guess what my mantra was during my cardio tonight?  "Don't Stop! Never Give Up!"
To give credit where credit is due, I believe he got this from watching a show on "Noggin" on TV which is an educational TV channel for preschoolers.

Today's Pics:  no pics today.


  1. very nice blog Suz, and loved today's post..It is a privilege to be associated with Carlos.

    You are and continue to be inspiring Suz and I think its time for you to be the next "FEATURED" Transformation on
    Let me know.

  2. Dougal, thanks buddy! I would be honored to be featured on your website.


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