Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: Muscle T-63 the Beauty of the Storm

Today was a beautiful day.  The sun shining on the new snow and the glistening of the ice on the trees is awesome.  It almost makes the storm worth it.
It's kind of like life.  We go through the storms of life, not always knowing if we will make it through without damage of some sort.  Sometimes we are afraid of what might happen.  Are we going to survive this storm?  Sometimes it seems it gets worse before it gets better.  Sometimes the weight of the storm weighs us down...just like the ice on the branches.  But as the sun comes up and shines on that weight, it doesn't look as bad as we thought.  We get a new perspective.   We've weathered the storm, and are now stronger than ever before.  But in the wake of that storm, what seemed like a terrible thing can turn into the most wondrous beauty.  Without the storm there would not be the beauty of shining after the storm.
This is also a great analogy of transforming our minds and bodies.  We go through 12 weeks of pushing and pulling through the pain of training, even cutting calories.  Sometimes those weights can seem so heavy.  But if we push through we will make it through, stronger than ever before.  We go through a time of testing our minds to push ourselves past where we think we can bend.  Then we get to the end of our 12 week "storm" to see the beauty of what we have endured.  We come to a place of shining, the beauty after the storm.

Check out my ice storm pics on facebook

Good eats today.
Steady State cardio. 30 minutes elliptical, 10 minutes spin bike. Abs.
Today's Attitude: amazement of the beauty after the storm.
Today's Gratitude: I am grateful for the storms.  Storms show us the majesty of creation.  Storms of life that don't kill us only make us stronger.

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