Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-175: Inspiration to Action

Today's Eats: Not 100%. no excuses.  but must take responsibility.Every choice DOES matter. I commit to do better tomorrow.  Every choice will either take me closer to my goal or take me farther away...every choice!

Today's Workout: Steady state Cardio, 40 minutes.

Today's Attitude:  Humble. (see today's thoughts)

Today's Gratitude:  Persistence.  I am grateful for persistence in my efforts to never give up, my persistence to keep pressing on, my persistence to keep coming back after seeming setbacks.  I am learning to change my perspective on "setbacks."  In reflection of these past four years of my journey, I can look back and see that any "setbacks" I had were not really setbacks at all, but times of tremendous personal growth, a time of gaining inner Strength.  Strength needed to conquer the next "mission."  Strength to keep pressing on.  Persist...Never Give Up!

Today's Thoughts:  Today I want to celebrate "touching just one more life".  There is a gal at work who has seen me shrink over the past four years and has seen me keep the weight off.  I know I have inspired her before and she lost about 40 lbs.  She has put some of that back on.  Her business is going to be starting a "weight loss challenge" and she came looking for me today!!  She says she wants me to "help" hold her accountable.  She knows that I know what it takes and she wanted to get my "opinion" and to also "do" this with her.  It touches my heart so much to know I am inspiring not just you all, whom I have never met in person, but to inspire someone right here in my own "back yard".    It's one thing to inspire someone at an emotional level, but it means so much more to know that you inspire someone to action!  As far as I am concerned inspiration doesn't mean any thing until you put action to the inspiration.

I AM Unstoppable!

1 comment:

  1. I love the feeling when I have inspired someone. The little devil inside will try to tell you your not worthy of inspiring someone. But you are, we are.
    Your doing great Suz - I agree every decision counts but don't beat yourself up!


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