Monday, February 7, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-172: Transform

Today's Eats:  all good, so far today:  green smoothie, chili, homemade meatball "sub".  Made up some chicken for chicken/spinach wraps.

Today's Workout:
  HIIT and Abs.  yesterday I did do Muscle C as planned.  It was good!!  I did Bulgarian split squats in place of leg press(which I can't do at home)  Those are tough.

Today's Attitude:  overall is good!  but have my moments.

Today's Gratitude:  I am grateful for the ability to think.  I have the ability to control my thoughts.  I have the ability to control my attitude with my thoughts.

Today's Thoughts:  So here in this part of my blog I focus on my thoughts.  What is it that I can share of my thoughts that might inspire you?  What is it that I can share to inspire myself?!  What thoughts can I choose to write here that will propel me towards my dreams and goals, despite what my circumstances may say right now? 
I guess we should look at the word “inspire”- what does it really mean? 

in-spire  to breathe: see SPIRIT]]   1 orig., a) to breathe or blow upon or into   b) to infuse (life, etc. into ) by breathing   2 to draw (air) into the lungs; inhale   3 to have an animating effect upon; influence or impel; esp., to stimulate or impel to some creative or effective effort   4 to cause, guide, communicate, or motivate as by divine or supernatural influence   5 to arouse or produce (a thought or feeling) [kindness inspires  love]   6 to affect with a specified feeling or thought [to inspire  someone with fear]   7 to occasion, cause, or produce   8 to prompt, or cause to be written or said, by influence [to inspire  a rumor] --vi.    1 to inhale   2 to give inspiration
So- truth be known inspiration has its root meaning in things with spiritual significance.  Wow – did anyone see that one coming?
So now to reframe my  question I would have to say, “What can I say that would be inspiring?”  How could I encourage others with something that would have a lasting motivational significance?

If we let our current circumstances dictate our thoughts and actions, then we are on a road that would lead us away from our goals, I'd say.  So to rise above our circumstances we need to gain control of the thoughts we have that may be untrue or empty values or false perceptions.  Negative thoughts can enter our minds at any time – especially at moments of weakness and if we let them stay there they will eventually tear us down.  So instead we need to change those thought patterns to line up with the Truth of who we are...not what the negative thoughts wants us to think.   It’s great to clean out the fridge and get rid of the junk food in the pantry. But what about the junk food in your head?  My source of inspiration is the Good Book and Ephesians 4:23 says, “Be made new in the attitude of your minds” (NIV).  Isn’t that a great idea?
How do we do this?  We need to transform our minds.  And most of us who are Transformers have discovered that true and lasting change starts from the inside out.

Transform. Transform means “to change the condition, function, nature, character or personality” of something. It means changing from the inside out.   Again in the Good Book we read that the great teacher, Paul says to transform yourself not by trying to be like everybody else, but by renewing your mind, by changing the way you think.

How do we change our thoughts?  It is in our human nature to have negative thoughts.  But we can choose our thoughts – we really can- So, when a negative thought full of things that are not true about us enters our mind, we can and have the power to change that thought into right thinking filled with truth.  With the truth always comes peace.

I'd also like to add that Carlos' continued guidance and wisdom is always much appreciated.

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