Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: Muscle T-68 Dare to Pray Boldly

I don't even know where to begin.  My heart is full of so many thoughts.
My audacious faith has already been put to the test.  I have passed!  The other day I had asked for your prayers and positive thoughts for a dear friend of mine.  I had not heard from my friend since New Year's Eve and I had started becoming concerned, especially after my friend's skype account had been offline, which was unlike my friend to do.  The other day I prayed I would hear from my friend within the next few days or by the end of this week.  Today I got message from my friend.  While not a direct message, a message none the less.  And with that answered prayer my faith has increased today.  But, unfortunately, my friend is suffering deeply dealing with a very difficult situation with her ex-husband.  He has stolen her computers and basically has kicked her and her two boys out of her own home.  Needless to say, her life has been incredibly challenging, to say the least.  Your continued prayers for my friend and her two boys is so appreciated.  Pray Boldly! peace, provision, protection, redemption of what was taken. uncommon wisdom.

I'd like to share a few things I've gotten from the book I am reading, "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick.

"How we think and believe has a lot to do with what becomes our reality.  Then when we act on what is not visible we create what IS visible!"
~Carlos DeJesus

This comment from Carlos came to mind when I read the following in the book I'm reading:

"Accomplishing the impossible is all about seeing the invisible."

But I want to define what is faith?  strong or unshakable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence.(
This relates on so many levels. The same faith it takes to start a new healthy way of eating or to start a new workout program or even  to revisit a past success is the same faith it takes to pray for a friend in need.  It's the same faith that it takes to make our dreams come true.  But sometimes what comes with those dreams and prayers and starting a new lifestyle is fear and doubt.  We just don't know for sure we can accomplish those things.  We start saying things to ourselves:
"What if I can't do this?  What if I fail?"
"Maybe I'm not meant to do this?"
"Like I need one more thing to add to my list, to worry about...etc"
But here's what Steven Furtick says,
"Audacious faith does not eliminate doubt and fear.  It eclipses their power one decision at a time. 
It is not wrong to feel fear.  It is wrong to let that fear have the last word in your life.  The people who accomplish the most astounding things aren't the people who feel the least fear.  Often they are the ones who deal with the most intense fear.  But instead of letting that fear disable their dreams, they start increasing their capacity for faith."

How powerful is that?!

So here is what I am going to start doing..I'm going to increase my capacity for praying for my pushing towards my physique reaching for my dreams.  Praying, pushing and reaching are all action words -  Action words of the spirit, mind.  Faith requires Action!
I am going to Dare to Pray Boldly!  Dare to Think Boldly!  Dare to Believe Boldly!  Dare to Live Boldly!
Faith allows us to be Unstoppable!
I am Unstoppable!

Today's Eats: 2 green smoothies, salmon/sweet potato, chicken/spinach wrap, protein drink, eggs/oatmeal

Today's Workout:  steady state cardio/ Abs

Today's Attitude:  overwhelmed

Today's GratitudeAudacious faith does not eliminate doubt and fear.  It eclipses their power one decision at a time.  I have the strength to keep on making decisions one at a time to eliminate fear and doubt.

Today's Song: Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood.  The ultimate in faith...having faith that He is in control over all.


  1. Don't you just LOVE the Sun Stand Still book???? I am so in love with it! I've already read through it once and now doing it with our small group!

    Keep on keeping on! You're doing a great job Suz!!


  2. Thank You Wendy for dropping by and commenting!
    I am loving Sun Stand Still book!
    please add my friend to your prayer list. thanks.


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