Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: Muscle T-65 Dare to THINK Boldly!

You have a sound mind, filled with good thoughts, not thoughts of defeat. By faith, you are well able. You are anointed. You are equipped. You are empowered. When your thoughts are guided by God’s Word every day, no obstacle can come against you because your mind is programmed for victory.(Joel Osteen)

Our minds are programmed by the  thoughts we allow to enter in and stay there.  We control our thoughts by what we put into our minds, whether it be in hearing or reading or seeing.  (what are you watching on TV?  what music are you listening to?  what are you reading?  What about our conversations?)  When thoughts enter our minds that are filled with doubt and fear, you can know these are truly not our own thoughts and we need to "take every thought captive" and throw down every thought that does not encourage, or lift us up, that is not the truth.    These thoughts of fear and doubt are not TRUTH...they are lies.  We can choose to believe those lies or we can choose to take hold of the TRUTH. 
The truth are able, you are anointed, you are equipped, you are empowered, you are an overcomer, you are more than a conqueror, you have a sound mind.
We must continually guard our hearts and minds against the lies that enter in our minds.  We are meant for victory.  We are meant for peace.  If we are not living in a place of peace, there are lies.  With the TRUTH comes with it PEACE.
Real Transformation starts and is a result of what is in our minds.  The truth is, real transformation is not about what is on the outside, physical stuff...the workout, the diet, external motivations...but real transformation is about renewing our minds, reframing our thoughts, changing perspective.  We have to banish the old thoughts of defeat, lies and doubt and replace them with new thoughts of victory, conquering and overcoming.

What we say means nothing unless we think it and believe it.

"but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
(renew= To make new)
"as a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

For something to be lasting, it has to start with our thoughts.

What are we letting guide our minds?  The Truth?  or the lies?
Identify the lies and replace with the Truth!

What are you thinking?


  1. Ahhh, strengthing the body is nothing compared to transforming our thoughts and perspectives. I am learning to banish the lies and uncertainties by turning to Jesus whenever they appear in my thoughts. So hard though!

  2. We do it one moment at a time. Thousands of times daily!
    Identify the lies, then find the Truth and start claiming those Truths!


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