Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-171: Driving Force

Today's Eats: 3 green smoothies, homemade meatball "sub", eggs/oatmeal, protein drink, mixed nuts(snacked on through out the day).

Today's Workout:  Muscle A.  pushing it hard.  Still increasing either weights or reps on all movements.  I was still feeling the affects of Sunday's workout.  Now have the wonderful deep tissue worked muscle feel. love it.

Today's Attitude:  Determined.

Today's Gratitude:  Inner Drive.  I am thankful that I have an inner drive that propels me towards my goals.

Today's Thoughts:  Driving Force(The impetus, power, or energy behind something in motion),...Inner Drive...Determination.
Some days I do not "feel" this drive, but it is always there and if I can focus in on it, I can pull it out!  It is a truth that tells me if I can ask believing with faith in my dreams with all my heart, without doubt, I am able to use that Power within to accomplish immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine.  Nothing will be impossible.
I just need to take that first step of faith.
I also believe there are people in our lives who have a "powerful effect or influence"(force) on us to move in a certain direction, as in towards our dreams.  People that believe in you.  People who will support you and encourage you to keep going after your goals.
I also believe events in our lives can have this same "powerful effect or influence"(force).  As in training for a competition, or a photo shoot.
You put these "forces" together, both internal and external, and you have the makings of doing the impossible...of being Unstoppable.
It is that drive that propels you forward, overcoming obstacles in the way to our goal.  It is that drive that says, "Never Give Up!"

"I will believe in my future I do not see.
That is faith.
I have faith in my future.
Faith has no limits.
I will expect miracles in my life,
because faith produces them every day."

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