Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: Muscle T-70

I have changed my countdown time to put a sense of urgency on this current muscle building phase.

Today's Eats: green smoothie, cereal, eggs/oatmeal, protein shake, protein shake, mixed nuts. As per Elaine's blog...not nearly enough veggies nor greens. This will change! Surely today's food intake has affected today's workout.

Today's Workout: Muscle C. increased some, some stayed the same, some not as much. did the best I could for today.

Today's Attitude: concerned. I have a very dear friend I am concerned about. your thoughts and prayers would be so appreciated.

Today's Gratitude:  I am grateful for Peace in spite of the trials we may endure. It is not always easy, but we can be at Peace when we seek it...Knowing there is a Higher Power at work doing what we can not do.

Today's Thoughts: With a less than stellar past few days, I need to remind myself of my 2011 Mission. "Dare...Boldly!"
Dare to Think Boldly! Dare to Pray Boldly! Dare to Believe Boldly! Dare to Dream Boldly! Dare to Live Boldly!
Is it time to put the "Audacious Faith" to a test?
"Whatever your dreams are, know this: God wants to do more. He wants to see the dreams He's given you come to pass. You’re not going to just accomplish what’s in your heart but instead surpass anything you've ever imagined.
Remember to keep a God-sized vision in front of you. God can give you one idea that will take you to a new level. Dare to believe for His limitless favor today.You haven’t touched the surface of what God has in store for you. You may have walked in a measure of that blessing, but there's more to come. God has opportunities in your future that are going to amaze you!"(Joel Osteen)

Boldness is not arrogance, it is total trust.

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