Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-179: Set the World on Fire

Today's eats:  green smoothies, chili, chicken/spinach wrap, protein drink

Today's Workout:  Muscle A.  Again I am increasing my weights and reps on nearly all my exercises.  I was a little bit concerned that I didn't get enough calories for energy for my late night workout, but apparently I did just fine.
I am nearly at my max weight in leg extensions as I was at the end of my Muscle mission ending last Feb 2010.  Even with some inconsistencies from this past year, I have not lost much strength.

Today's Attitude:  I am Optimistic.  I am feeling positive about my mission.  I am feeling positive about some internal growth I am experiencing.

Today's Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for Adam Waters.  It was four years ago December 2006 that I found him in his first mission documenting on his blog where he was posting daily pics documenting his physique transformation.  He was putting himself out there.  I followed his journey for quite some time before I actually started leaving him comments.  It was by his encouragement that I started my own blog on the internet.  By that time, I had lost nearly 45 lbs on my own.  Without knowing it at the time, that was when the true testament to being accountable to a "community" was put into full affect for me.  From that point on, I just couldn't quit.  For some reason, a community with Adam just fit for me.  He became like a little brother to me, eventhough I didn't really know him.  The dream of a "shreddersphere" wasn't even on the radar(at least for me).  And it was in that shreddersphere that my life has been touched and forever impacted by many wonderful people.  People I never would have "met" if it weren't for that "sphere."   We were touching each other's lives and it all started with a guy who wanted to transform his physique.  And for that, I am grateful. (by the way, Feb. 1 is  Adam's birthday)

Today's Thoughts:  I read a quote on facebook,
"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire."  ~ St. Catherine of Siena
This really makes me think.  If we are not yet blazing a trail, then we are not yet what we should be.  What will it take to get there?  What dreams do we still have yet within us that will ignite our worlds?  Dare I be so bold as to get fired up about my dreams and move forward with reckless abandon?
Truly the questions to ask are, "Do I think I can?  Do I believe I can?"
Our actions do truly start with what we truly think and believe in our hearts.  Our actions and life are a true reflection of what we are truly thinking.

As you think, that is who you are.
Change what you are thinking and change who you become.

The Mind Of A Champion

How we think has a direct effect in what we believe
And what we believe determines what we do (We act on what we believe)
And what we do has a direct result in what shows up in our lives
If you don’t believe it – you are not even going to try it

If anyone can influence the way you think – they can influence the way you behave (and that without force)
And every champion knows that we can become what we think. Much of what we do is as a result of thought.
~Carlos DeJesus ~ 1985 Winner – Professional Natural Mr. World

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