Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dare...Boldly 2011: T-178: Who's ready for Spring?

Today's Eats:  ditto from yesterday.

Today's workout: HIIT and Abs.  Also my dad did his first workout today.  I walked him through it.  I think he is surprised how "weak" he is.  We took "before" pics...and measurements.  So he is on his way.  Will keep you updated as to his progress.

Today's Attitude:  Peaceful.  Proud of my dad for Starting his program...even though I had to "push" him out the door to get it done! lol.

Today's Gratitude:  It might seem kind of silly, but I am grateful for the internet.  Never in my life would I have been able to meet such awesome, loving, caring people from across the globe.  My world has been expanded to all corners of the earth....from Australia, Mexico, Spain, UK, South Africa, etc. and of course, all over the USA!  You all have become dear friends to me.  Four years ago when I started blogging I never imagined "meeting" such awesome people from across the world.  Boy, am I glad I stuck with it.

Today's Thoughts:  The big snow storm is the talk of the web in the USA right now.  I am so ready to set the world on fire...and I'm ready for winter to be done!!  Anyone else with me? LOL.  A greater part of the USA is under snow today and into Wednesday.  As I sit here writing this I can hear the wind blowing and can only imagine what the snow is doing.  If work is closed down, you can bet we will be going sledding!  As with most of us in the wake of this storm, we are looking to get around 10-12 inches.  That should be enough for some good sledding!  What a nice way to bring in February!  NOT! lol.  I hope you all are warm and safe....From Texas to Chicago up to the Northeast.


  1. I am longing for sunshine! And here in Oregon, our weather has been fairly mild.

    It is particularly uplifting for me to read your words of attitude and gratitude. Incorporating these into your blog brings an awareness and perspective that causes me to look at my own life and those things I am thankful for, and I really need that, as sometimes I tend to focus too much on what I don't have instead of the blessings I do have. Thank you.

    And, way to go Suzette's dad! The first step is always the hardest!

  2. Thank you Melinda for your kind words.
    I incorporated the attitude and gratitude parts for the very reasons you say. Over the past few months I had been focusing on all the crap in my life and it only set me up for depression. Even with these I am finding I have to "think" about my attitude and what I am grateful for...things that we may just take for granted.
    I am so glad you are being touched by my words.

    I think we will be getting some sun tomorrow(thurs.) yeah!


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